Extra-Curricular Activities

所有符合条件的学生都可以参加运动队和课外活动. The school is committed to providing everyone a fair chance to participate. Unfortunately, not everyone who tries out can always be accepted. The decision of the coach or moderator is final. Parents are encouraged to help their children understand that not everyone will be selected.

课外活动守则:适用于除运动队和啦啦队外的所有学校俱乐部和组织. 所有参加学校社团和活动的学生每周必须完成至少25个学时(5节学术课)的高中作业. Those students not meeting this requirement shall be ineligible for the next (7) calendar days, beginning the day immediately after the coach and student-athlete are notified. Drivers Education is not part of the twenty-five hours.

Students must be in attendance for a minimum of four (4) class periods in order to practice, perform, or compete in extra-curricular activities or athletics, with the exception of absence due to school-sponsored activities.

A science and engineering competition between students from various high schools. Various levels of recognition can be won for the individual student and school teams.

Alleman Catholic High School Disciples
Student led prayer / bible study group.  Students are given the space and community of friends to grow in faith and the life of Christ. 

Students help promote Alleman in a positive light throughout the community.  Highlighting the various events, academics and athletic opportunities that we have to offer.  Ambassadors will also visit the 3 partner schools throughout the year. 

The official performing unit of the Pioneer music department, 是否向所有在小学和初中表现出音乐能力的学生开放. This is a class. The band plays at home football and basketball games, at sports assemblies, in concerts here and in the community, even in parades  If a student plays a band instrument but does not want to be in the band class, he may be able to just play at the sports events.

Book Club
Students will read and discuss books throughout the school year. We read one book and have one meeting at the end of each quarter. 

There are two Choirs:

  • Audition Choir is a class. This class puts on concerts here at school as well as to community groups, particular during the Holiday Season.

  • Mass Choir provides singing for the Liturgies (Catholic Mass) we celebrate here at school

Computer Club
Students meet to provide support for student body technology needs.  Main focus is the maintenance of student Chromebooks

Dance Marathon
学生团体联合起来,为爱荷华市爱荷华大学儿童医院接受治疗的儿童提高意识和捐款.  学生们全年都会举办筹款活动,筹集捐款,这样他们就可以参加一个特别的舞蹈之夜, food and entertainment honoring our Dance Marathon families and each other at Alleman High School.

Drama Club
The Drama Club is open to all students. Its purpose is to present the three major school productions each year. Entertaining activities and educational field trips are also sponsored by the club.

Engineer and Science Club
科学与工程俱乐部致力于将对与工程和科学相关的竞争性和非竞争性竞赛感兴趣的学生聚集在一起. 这个俱乐部指导学生从各种地方和州的工程和科学竞赛中学习和创造项目. 

Game Club
每周二下午3:00 - 4:30,学生和老师放学后聚在图书馆做游戏.  Over 100 games are available to play.

Habitat for Humanity Club
学生协助当地组织HfHQC为欧博体育app地区有需要的人建造房屋. Students volunteer on Saturdays to help with serving lunch to the volunteers, outdoor landscaping/lawn work, and even actual building of the houses if over 16 years of age.  Some summer volunteering may be available.

A math competition between students from various high schools in the State of Illinois. 可以为个人以及学生就读的高中赢得不同程度的认可. There are individual & team competitions.

International Club
国际俱乐部向所有对外国文化和语言感兴趣的学生开放,重点是西班牙语和法语. 全年计划举办各种活动,包括“外语文化宣传周”.”

Key Club
钥匙社是一个国际青年组织,其成员致力于家庭服务, school and community. 会员由申请接受并由欧博体育app学院成员提名的个人组成.

National Honor Society
Students are nominated and selected based on academic achievement, leadership and service. These students participate in service projects every quarter. NHS organizes the Sadie Hawkins Dance every February.

Pioneer Press
Alleman publishes a school newspaper, “Pioneer Press”. All students are encouraged to submit articles to the staff.

Pioneer Reflections
Alleman’s fine arts and literary magazine is published annually. It includes poetry, short stories, essays, art work, original musical compositions, and foreign language pieces submitted by students from all grades. Students at all grade levels interested in being on the staff are encouraged to join.

Project Green Schools
Provides a structured chapter-based program for high-achieving, environmentally focused students to create extraordinary impact in schools, organizations, and communities while getting the recognition they deserve on a state and national level. The NGSS program develops bright, civic-minded, environmentally literate citizens. 

Formal Dance reserved for seniors and juniors.   Traditionally held in late April/early May.

Sigma Alpha Delta (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
一个以学生为主导的组织,通过组织有趣的活动来促进积极的选择,让学生在没有毒品压力的情况下参与, alcohol or degradation: Tailgates, bowling, movie nights, and many more.

Star Spangled Banner Singers
Students who sing the Star Spangled Banner at athletic events.

Student Council
一个由学生领导的组织,授权欧博体育app的学生领袖组织和运行大型学校活动/项目,促进学校精神和团结,以改善欧博体育app的学校和社区:返校节,Student Council Week, Freshman Orientation, Blood Drive, and many more.

Student Hunger Drive
“学生饥饿运动”的使命是“团结并授权地区高中生致力于为饥饿者提供食物和促进志愿服务”.在为期6-8周的课程中,学生们组织活动,为河湾食品储藏室收集不易腐烂的食品捐赠. 这是一场当地高中之间的比赛,看谁能带来最重的食物.

The Yarn Club
Students get together to create crocheted & knitted items (hatc, scarves, etc) to donate to those in need

Alleman publishes a school yearbook, “Pioneer”. Students are encouraged to contact the moderator.

如果一个学生对某一领域有特别的兴趣,如果这个学生能找到其他感兴趣的学生,并且有一位教师同意进行指导, additional organizations may be established. 书面提案和描述必须完成并提交给校长批准.

一些学生组织有自己的章程来管理组织内的学生纪律. In the case of a violation of school rules, 组织的章程将决定适当的纪律和学生在组织中的地位,这可能超出学校的纪律规定. Disciplinary procedures for all other clubs/activities will be handled as outlined below.

  • HIGHLY OBJECTIONABLE HABITS such as the possession of or use of or remaining present where there are illegal drugs, including the underage use of alcohol, 或有手册中列出的其他严重违纪行为者,将被俱乐部/组织停学. 任何在学校社团/组织/团队中担任选举或任命职务的学生必须辞去该职务
    office/position if he/she commits a grave offense as described in the handbook.

  • FIRST OFFENSE: A thirty (30) school day suspension from the club/organization activities. A first offense suspension for a member of Emeralds will be calculated based on 1/3 of the season. This suspension does not affect activities which are required parts of a course grade. If the offense occurs during a time when school is not in session, the suspension will take effect upon the first day that classes resume.

  • VOLUNTARY ADMISSION OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Voluntary admission, in writing to the Principal or Assistant Principal, 由学生违规涉及药物滥用将导致后果减少一半. 这项规定的目的是鼓励学生为自己的行为/决定承担责任. 如果校长和/或助理校长已经知道违规行为,则不得使用自愿录取. This provision may be used only once during a high school career and for a first offense only.

  • SECOND OFFENSE WHILE IN HIGH SCHOOL: A sixty (60) school day suspension from the club/organization activities. If however, the second offense occurs within 365 calendar days of the first offense, then the suspension will be for one calendar year. Periods of ineligibility may not be served concurrently. 绿宝石队队员的第二次犯规将根据赛季的三分之二来计算. If the offense occurs during a time when school is not in session, the suspension will take effect upon the first day that classes resume.

  • THIRD OFFENSE WHILE IN HIGH SCHOOL: 自违规之日起,该学生将被停学至少一年,除非在Alleman完成50小时的劳动留校,否则不可能再参加. Periods of ineligibility may not be served concurrently.

Clubs & Organization Highlights


The Ambassadors program is open to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. 这些学生由行政部门和学院选出,代表艾尔曼到合作学校,并帮助即将到来的新生.


Key Club

钥匙社是一个国际青年组织,其成员致力于家庭服务, school and community. Membership is comprised of individuals who have applied for acceptance.


National Honor Society

The purpose of the National Honor Society was to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership and to encourage the development of character.


Student Council
